I haven’t checked in here in quite some time.

There’s actually quite a bit going on with me.

Well, let’s start with the old lady stuff. Dear old Auntie, who has shown up with the regularity of the full moon, was 8 days late this month. Since I knew there was, without a doubt, no way that I was expecting any bundles of pure and utter dismay, I got all excited thinking, “this is it! it has begun!”

But noooooo… she arrived along with the shitty disposition, debilitating cramps, and all that other jazz that makes her visits oh-so-special.

All that aside, I have been feeling kind of blah. I haven’t really wanted to talk about it because, in our current circumstances, people seem to want to blame every case of ick on COVID. Unless I’m massively fooling myself, none of my internal bullshit has anything to do with the ‘rona, so it’s rather demeaning to have my issues relegated to some current event that isn’t really affecting me. Masks don’t bother me. I mean, sure, I’d rather not, but we need to, so I do. Anti-maskers don’t really bother me. I don’t put myself through the emotional trauma of thinking “if you don’t mask up, then you don’t care about me.” To me, that’s bullshit. But that’s a topic for another day. My one and only point here is that the ‘rona isn’t really impacting my life, so why would it be the cause of my funk, and why are people so quick to slap that label on me?

So, there’s something I’ve been thinking about doing for a very long time.

In times of darkness and sadness, I’ve always gone back to my yoga practice. It brings me peace, it helps me ground and center, and it helps me stay present. I’ve thought for years about training to teach yoga, but I never really had the money, and my work schedule was never in line with me being able to do the in-person classes.

One benefit to the ‘rona…

A lot of learning opportunities have been forced to go online, which, gasp, brings prices down. They’ve also become “learn at your own pace” opportunities. Jackpot.

So, there ya go. I’ve begun classes so that I can become a yoga teacher. Why not help myself deepen my understanding of yoga and of my practice and help others find the same things I’ve been given by the awesomeness that is yoga? Nothing but win there.

So… that’s what’s up with me. I may need guinea pig students some time soon. Stay tuned.

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